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Erneste Carla Zimmermann, Freestyle-Your-Life

Today on episode # 079 I´m talking with JV Crum III, CEO and founder at Conscious Millionaire and the host of the Conscious Millionaire Podcast with more than 16000 episodes. He is the bestselling author of the book ‚Conscious Millionaire‘ and runs the Conscious Millionaire institute and foundation. He teaches us how to grow your business by making a difference and redefines the business model of his clients to become more profitable.

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On episode # 78 I had an amazing talk full of synergy with Janis Butler and her partner John Haggerty, both speakers, and best-selling authors. Janis co-wrote with Christine Kloser Pebbles in the Pond, Wave II: Transforming the World One Person at a Time and John co-wrote The Winning Way with Brian Tracy. Janis is currently writing Your Soul’s Toolbox, Secrets to Constructing your Best Self.

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Today on episode # 077 I´m talking with Adam Lewis Walker. He is a Leadership Speaker TEDx, 2 x Best-selling Author, and Coach. He hosts the top-ranked podcast Awaken Your Alpha, interviewing the world’s elite minds in over 370 episodes since early 2014. Adam helps to aspire TEDx Speakers to achieve their own talk through his TalkXcelerator Program.

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My guest today on episode # 076 is Spike Edwards. He is an intern. acclaimed safety culture expert and twice No1 bestselling author and the expert on assessing the Corporate Core Container such as the safety culture and the production output. His experience comes from years in the Army Special Forces in Australia and working with international companies.

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Today on episode # 075 I´m talking with Antoine Airoldi, a multiple bestselling author who transforms working professionals and entrepreneurs into bestselling authors to help them maximize their reach, get quality leads, and become the authority in their industry. You can follow his proven system to write one chapter of a co-authored book.

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With today´s guest, Sylvain Mailhot on episode 074, we explore the quest in life, how to awake, create mindfully and become our best authentic self. Have you noticed that, after reaching some important milestones in our lives, we at times need to step back and focus anew in order to rediscover the Joy of inspired Living and we do good to not settle in for routines!

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On episode # 073 Angus Southey, an energy healer, tapping expert and best-selling author, is introducing you into the simple yet powerful Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) called ‘Tapping’ in a live session with me as the example to make the process visible and transparent for you to follow along. EFT personally transformed his as well as my life.

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My guest today on episode # 072 is Richard Villasana, founder of Forever Homes for Foster Kids, intern. authority on immigration issues and foster families, now for 25 years has helped with his non-profit Forever homes for foster kids to reunite immigrants and foster children with their families. You can donate right here:

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On episode # 071, Jayka Duncan reveals, how to heal from severe diseases such as cancer. Going within and surrendering to her pain healed her body of cancer within four months. The big ‚aha moment‘ was, that she hadn’t just healed her body but her inner journey healed other areas of her life like her relationship with money, food, herself, other people, etc.

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On episode # 070 Emerald Green Forest, known as the Wealthy Life Mentor, an international speaker, transformation artist, executive producer of the Wickedly Smart Women Podcast & the Apple Top 200 Ranked Men On Purpose Podcast, shows how to create a Wealthy Life by Design.

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Love the Podcast!
Love the Podcast!NancyPhil , 04/10/2019
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Great podcast! Thought provoking and to the point.
Great topics!
Great topics!memali108 , 04/11/2019
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Erneste Carla Zimmerman walks the talk and brings her hard-earned wisdom to her conversations with her guests. Great inspiration for anyone seeking to live authentically and create a life that works for them!
Just dove in.
Just dove in.Smart Forms , 04/14/2019
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Just dove in and can't wait to hear more!
Columnist/authorMerry Ruthe , 04/14/2019
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Erneste Carla Zimmerman brings her personal dynamism and empathy to each interview, making her guests feel at ease. There is such diversity here, so many paths that are exciting and inspiring, as each participant has broken free of past disappointments and/or setbacks to create a self-determined new life.
Freestlye Your Life Podcast
Freestlye Your Life Podcastjuliesaillant , 04/14/2019
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Talking with Erneste Carla Zimmerman was amazing! She is a woman who knows her stuff and helps her audience understand often difficult topics and gives the listeners tactical information they can use in their lives. This is a MUST LISTEN TOO PODCAST!!!
Excellent Podcast
Excellent PodcastMichael Guberti , 04/15/2019
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The Freestyle-Your-Life Podcast is excellent. Erneste asks high-quality questions during the interviews & provides her listeners with useful tactics. Get ready to take flight with the FLY Podcast!
I love this topic!
I love this topic!Kim Julen , 04/17/2019
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I love Erneste's "less is more" theme and I'm excited to learn about how to live a more authentic and inspired life!
Authentic Insights shared
Authentic Insights sharedNancy Guberti , 04/30/2019
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Freestyle Your Life Podcast with Erneste Carla Zimmermann offers stories, tips and insight to live your authenic life. She faced death & restyled life, named the, Queen of Transformation. Listen and be inspired.
Awesome Podcast
Awesome Podcastdeepgurl , 05/15/2019
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Ernesta is committed to bringing people great ways to actually heal themselves and create lives they love living. She's been through it all, and conducts her interviews with that depth of lived wisdom.
Fantastic!MichaelNeeley , 05/23/2019
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Erneste Carla has created such inspiration with this show, episode after episode. The guests are great, the topics are interesting, and she adds her own talent and insights in a way that creates magic.
Quality Content
Quality Content.user.246 , 10.04.2019
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We are living in a world where living an authentic and happy life becomes more and more important. This Podcast is not only loaded with quality content, but also led by a woman who has fought her way to living excactly that kind of life and who is determined to help people who always dreamed about living a life like that achieve their goals. We need more people like that!
Great podcast, highly recommended!
Great podcast, highly recommended!Hnnolllly , 09.04.2019
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Comes over very real and really helps!