Being a single mum of my 2 sons Sandro and Rico one the toughest moments was when I was facing death due to cancer and I imagined my sons and beloved dad mourning at my funeral. The doctors didn´t have no clue what to do next and I was loosing my consciousness and unconsciousness.
Taking my life and healing back into my own hands was the way I healed and even so I had to start from scratch and re-lean everything, I´m so grateful for these life´s learnings in the school of hard knocks. I had to transform myself over and over in order to skip being a people pleaser feeling other peoples emotions as a highly sensitive empath just as mine. The solution to my healing was to pivot my life and business and to step up for myself and out of the rat race and fake play. I skipped my whole life by listenting to my own inner healer and followed my soul. Despite leading a real estate consulting agency, I stepped into what I came here for, being the authenticity coach, who went through it all before. That´s why I´ve created the FLY-Freestyle-Your-Life System and transformational platform!
Following my FLY-Freestyle-Your-Life System, a tailored proven Authenticity Training Blueprint, you learn so much about self-realization and finally can break free and restyle your life to live purposeful and fulfilled according your soul´s purpose. You learn how to take back command of your life and business and skip the need to fit in and fake play to belong once and for all.
„Being authentic is the only way to be sustainable happy and fulfilled in life and business“.
My superpower diamonds, honed through my own life´s lessons and awakening after facing death, are empathy, compassionate Love, collaboration and my dedication to mentor mankind through transformation into authenticity. I truly believe this is also the only way to heal and sustain this paradise we call earth.