Michael Guberti is a Social Media Strategist & founder of a full-service digital marketing agency. He is revealing the latest tips on how to leverage visibility on Social Media and is the winner of The Best Marketing Campaign of the Year Award & Rule Breaker Award for teaching entrepreneurship at an accredited business university before ever enrolling in a college.
He has spoken at Microsoft, Gensler & Associates, Society For Marketing Professional Services. With his brother Marc, he co-founded the nonprofit organization ‘Guberti Giving’ supporting youth, veterans & single mothers. The nonprofit has received support from the New York Knicks, Nextiva Phone Company & other organizations.
Get his free report on how to double your Instagram Followers in 60 days.
By subscribing to the Freestyle-Your-Life Podcast and stating 3 referred friends in the ‘I love the FLY-Podcast giveaway’ you can even win one complimentary month of his Instagram Inner Circle Online Membership.