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- Make yourself priority
- Train & taim your brain
- Become self-aware
- Self-love is key to healing
First episode LIVE now!
Our interview with Erneste was very natural. Though I didn’t know each other before, I felt as if we are two old friends who just met after a long time to share some wisdom which we gain over the years. I loved it and I hope that listeners will enjoy it and learn something new.
Eve Voyevoda
I just had the opportunity to visit with Erneste Carla on her new show. The experience was world class and Erneste really knows how to make the show about her guests and to bring the best out of her guests, for the benefit of listeners – this is one show you will want to check out.
Corey PoirierTEDx Speaker & Bestseller Author
What an honor and thrill it was to connect with Carla!The hour-long conversation flew by and left me with a sense of awe and deep appreciation with the magic that can happen when two souls, hearts, and minds come together……love it!
Carl Contino
Founder of Untapped Genius & The Wave
Next episode in:
Freestyle-Your-Life Podcast is your #1 free guide
- Self-love is key to healing
- Make yourself priority
- Become self-aware
- Train & tame your brain
- Stop self-sabotaging thoughts & behaviour
About the host:
Erneste Carla Zimmermann, authentic Feelgood-Lifestyle-Coach, faced death and transformed herself over & over to now being the role model showing that everything is possible once we find back to our true self. This named her the „Queen of Transformation“. Leading by excample she follows her mission to remind entrepreneurs to discover their true nature within and to express their purpose as awakened leader in the world. She created the FLYFreestyle-Your-Life-System to be the blueprint and homebase for your hero´s journey on how to discover, align and leverage your life´s purpose.
Awesome guests, exciting interviews and thrilling topics – that’s the Freestyle-Your-Life Podcast. Your number 1 source for free content guiding you into your authentic lifestyle a & self expertise.Subscribe & tune in!
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